Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage is ideal if relaxation is your goal.

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is ideal if relaxation is your goal. Typically, an hour-long session that addresses the entire body, a Swedish massage uses long, gliding strokes to relax the muscles and increase circulation. Increased circulation brings oxygen to the muscles and also aids in releasing toxins.

The four common strokes of Swedish massage are:

  • Effleurage: a smooth, gliding stroke used to relax soft tissue
  • Petrissage: the squeezing, rolling, or kneading that follows effleurage
  • Friction: deep, circular movements that cause layers of tissue to rub against each other, helping to increase blood flow and break down scar tissue
  • Tapotement: a short, alternating tap done with cupped hands, fingers, or the edge of the hand

Mental and Emotional Benefits

Mental benefits associated with massage therapy include the following:

  • Mental relaxation
  • Improves length and quality of sleep
  • Relieves stress, depression, anxiety and irritation
  • Increases ability to concentrate
  • Improves sense of well-being


Physical benefits

Swedish massage offers numerous physical benefits:

  • Loosens tight muscles and stretches connective tissues
  • Relieves cramps and muscle spasms and decreases muscle fatigue
  • Loosens joints and improves range of motion
  • Increases muscle strength
  • Calms the nervous system and stimulates blood circulation
  • Firms up muscle and skin tone
  • Relieves symptoms of such disorders as asthma, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic and acute pain syndromes, myofacial pain, headache, and athletic injuries
  • Speeds up healing from injury and illness
  • Improves lymphatic drainage of metabolic wastes

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Call New You Massage Therapy today
at 503.312.7634 to schedule your appointment!