Pre-Natal Massage
Pre-natal massage is a massage with the mom in mind!

Pre-Natal Massage

Pre-natal massage is a massage with the mom in mind! A body cushion is used to keep mom (and baby) supported while in the face-down or prone position. As the pregnancy advances the massage can be given in a side lying position. Common pre-natal ailments like swelling, low-back, hip and leg pain can be addressed, as well as reducing symptoms of depression. Pre-natal massage can alleviate discomfort during pregnancy, but women with high-risk pregnancies should consult their doctor before receiving massage therapy.


Pre-natal Massage Therapy Benefits

  • Reduced back and joint pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Reduced edema
  • Reduced muscle tension and headaches
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles
  • Better sleep

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Call New You Massage Therapy today
at 503.312.7634 to schedule your appointment!