Your Massage Therapy - What to Expect

Checking In

At your first massage appointment you will be asked to complete an Intake Form that will ask about any medical issues or injuries you may have. Jenny will talk with you to find out what has brought you in for massage and will tailor your massage to your particular needs. For example, if your shoulders and neck are particularly sore or tight, you may want Jenny to just focus the massage on those areas. However, if you feel like you need overall relaxation but are noticing some tightness in your shoulders, she can do a full-body massage with some shoulder focus.

Length of Session

In an hour long session Jenny can deliver a full-body massage with some focus on a particular area, or she can use the hour to focus on a couple troublesome areas. In a 90 minute massage, Jenny can focus on troublesome areas and usually get the full-body in as well. 30 minute sessions are not long enough for a full-body massage but instead allow for a focus area or two.

Preparing for Your Massage

After we have determined how we will focus your massage session, it will be time for you to get ready for the massage. Jenny will explain how to get on the table and then will leave the room and allow you to get undressed in privacy. You may undress to your comfort level. Some people prefer to be nude and others prefer to leave their underwear on… it’s totally up to you. Either way, you will always be covered with a sheet. Jenny will allow plenty of time for you to get undressed and on the table and covered with the sheet before she knocks to re-enter the room.

The Massage Session

You will typically start face-down so we can begin the massage by working on your back and shoulders. If we are doing a full-body massage, then after the back we will move to one leg and then the other.

Some people like to have their gleuts worked-on and in those cases we’ll tuck the sheet in such a way as to make sure you are properly draped at all times. When it is time to work on the front of the body, Jenny will lift the sheet just a bit and hold it so you can turn over. We’ll usually work head to toe… so neck and shoulders, then arms, then legs and end with feet. This is a general overview of what the flow of a massage might be like.

Your massage will include what you want worked on. For example, some people want scalp and face massage included. Others don’t want their feet or some other area worked… and that’s totally fine!

Checking in During the Massage

During your massage, Jenny will check-in periodically about pressure. You are encouraged to let her know at any time if the pressure is too much. Or if you feel like you can handle deeper work, you can let Jenny know that too. And as for talking, some people like to talk and others prefer to zone-out and don’t talk very much at all. Whichever you choose, Jenny will follow your lead!

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at 503.312.7634 to schedule your appointment!